Monday, 9 May 2011

Daily routines.

The life in Perth has stabilized into normal work-day rhythm. Wake up, shower, breakfast if time, pack lunch, run to bus stop, one hour on busses, into the office by nine, work, leave to go home at six, go grocery shopping on the way home, get home, cook and eat dinner, watch Big Bang Theory and MasterChef, feel tired, go to bed early. Nothing very exciting in the repetition of the same, but it actually all of it except the commute is enjoyable. Work has been really interesting, but this week seems to be a lot of waiting before I can actually get started in the lab!

During the past weekends we've learned the extreme price levels of beer, movie tickets, dinners and haircuts. We've met a lot of people in contexts that are not too travellery but your normal, "we live in this town and do the stuff we'd do at home" context. We've been having discussions about buying a car and doing weekend trips outside Perth, but I keep thinking a rental car would be easier. Next weekend we might do a trip to Rottnest Island, just to get out of the city and again to the beach. I bet the three months in Perth will be over as soon as I blink my eyes, and we're running out of time to do all the things we wanted!

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