I've spent a wonderful month at home, relaxing and writing fellowship applications. The Christmas and New Year I rested (some more) and had great time with family and friends. I've read quite a few addictive books and knitted a lot. Also I think I've seen as many movies as the number of days I've been at home!
As this is a travel blog I haven't felt the inspiration to write here about home and work topics, but I have great news on the travel front: me and my boyfriend will head out to SE Asia at the end of January! Yippee! We're planning to travel til Mid-April and to see some Thai islands, Southern Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and potentially parts of Malaysia, Philippines or Indonesia. We'll see where the road takes us. I promise to get back to blogging and posting pics when we're on the road again!
Happy New Year to everyone and a lots of travelling for the year 2012!