Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Mini-break in Perth over the long Easter weekend

My boyfriend, or as Australians would put it, my de facto partner, arrived here on Friday! Yay! He's finally out of Europe, not exactly travelling, but he had an exciting overnight stop in HK, and now we had five wonderful days in Perth. We toured the central business district with tall skyscrapers, took a ferry to Fremantle, sat by the beach drinking wine, walked through King's Park and botanical gardens, went to the beach, and almost attended a local rock festival, a dawn service and a parade commemorating passed away ANZACs (Australia & New Zealand Armed Corps). And by almost attended I mean that we were either late (dawn service) or had a look and decided to enjoy the event from afar (parade from the tv, rock festival in the park outside).

We also went to the Fremantle Street Art Festival, which was the best city festivals I've ever been to (probably the only one? Hahah!). We saw comedy acts, mime, juggling, breakdance, trapeze artists, football tricks, magic tricks, and the world's most tattooed man on a 2-metre tall unicycle juggling a flaming torch, a machete and an apple which he proceeded to eat! Fantastic Freaks in Freo the ad said, and they weren't lying!

One of the best part about being in Australia has been the wonderfully diverse and different nature. The birds are green and yellow and pink, and the flowers are nothing like European ones, and the crows make sheep-like angry baby sounds, and the bushland with its dead-looking plants... we saw a document of the effect of the floods on the local ecosystems, and I would love to be there to see the deserts blossoming and thousands of pelicans gathering to nest on tiniest river islands. Also I'm yet to spot a kangaroo! I guess I have to settle with black swans on the Swan river, pink pigeons and green parrots on the campus, and thousands of green-yellow-red parrots gathering in the alienesque pines trees by the beach singing as loudly as a rock concert! I promise photos of the exciting nature!

The winter rains started then late on Tuesday evening, so the honeymoon with Perth is over and its all about work and thesis writing for us... until next weekend of course! There's the Royal Wedding on Friday, the May Day celebrations on Sunday... and hopefully weather warm enough to go for a swim!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

New home in Western Australia.

I haven't written in a long time, and that is partially because there hasn't been anything to write about (eating lots and watching tv in Europe), and partially because the internet connection is not so freely available in Australia. I arrived to Perth well over a week ago, after an overnight stop in always lovely Hong Kong. Two days of flying wasn't too bad, especially as I flew the last section with the wonderful Qantas and the check-in lady asked me the best question ever; Would you like an exit row window seat?

Perth has been a lot of sunshine and science. My housemates work in the same lab with me, and although my contract started on Monday I attended department's own three-day conference and came to my office every day last week to sort things and think about my project. I have to say science has got me excited again, there is no other option now than stick with it!

Perth is very suburban and the distances are long. It takes me an hour to get to work by bus, but it goes via the city centre so shopping or entertainment on they way home is rather easy. All the paperwork in order to work in Australia has been ridiculously numerous, but in the end when you've signed and provided all the documentation it has been straightforward. Me and my boyfriend got our long-stay visas in three weeks, although I was warned about it taking up to four months. Live-in boyfriend is considered here as a permanent partner, so he's on my visa and can come and stay as long as I do. Handy! Opening bank account has never been this easy either - just passport and some money required, and no proof of address or employment like in other countries I've been to.

People are really friendly and talkative. I've got to several conversations with people on the bus and on the street. It's relaxed, sunny, there's very blue ocean and very blue Swan River (just next to the uni campus),... and you guessed it, very expensive too. Never had a pint of beer that costs 8 euros, and is considered normal price!

Back to the science now - have to get my background reading up to date! Luckily there is a long Easter & Anzac day weekend ahead to spend with my boyfriend who will finally join me here in the other side of the world on Friday! Hip-hip-hooray!